BABY PANDA at San Diego Zoo

The baby is not so small any more. Click here to see him!
CLICK ON "X" (arrows) to make really big!

NEWER BABY at the NATIONAL ZOO (Washington, D.C.) Click HERE.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Snuggles

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NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

All khomfy?


Ingrid said...

In what the heck are you sitting there, hahaha ! but you look very comfy !

Kea said...

Tell your mom you need a blanket in there to make it extra-comfy!

Cindy said...

No one will take that away from you. Snuggle up in there for a nice rest.

Admiral Hestorb said...

You look so precious. You do. I could snuggle you all day. This is the Admiral's mom speaking.

SeaThreePeeO said...

That doesn't look very comfy!

jim said...

Nice box looks warm!

GRAÇA said...

I come to invite you for going to my blog and have participated in my 1st miaumiau luck .. would love ...
Ronrons of

GRAÇA said...

It's not complicated.
You take the post of kika, who speaks and who put noteu sorta blog, to one side, then write a letter or story and send the mail to mami.
After waiting for your luck

Teddy Westlife said...

I don't know if that looks overly comfortable. And I went to visit your friend Abby too.

Cat with a Garden said...

We love tight fits too!

GRAÇA said...

Sorry but I eventually realized if you enter without the lottery ... I liked that entered!
Ronrons of Kika

Anonymous said...

Well, my friend.
photo is spectacular.
Have a good weekend
Kisses & hugs

Jacqueline said...

Hi, handsome Mandu, hope you had a great week...We are trying to catch up with our wonderful friends on the weekends; our Mommy's new job, along with her part time one, makes it difficult to visit during the week now...We hope you enjoy a fun weekend together with your parents, sweet friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Oskar said...

You look very cozy!

Nubbin wiggles,

Anonymous said...

MOL, are you sure you fits in there?

Admiral Hestorb said...

Hi Darling Mandu.