BABY PANDA at San Diego Zoo

The baby is not so small any more. Click here to see him!
CLICK ON "X" (arrows) to make really big!

NEWER BABY at the NATIONAL ZOO (Washington, D.C.) Click HERE.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meet My Box-Loving Friends, Part 1

Yes, this is the famous GJ. I am sure you all know him already. He is a purrfect boy. And, like me, he loves boxes. If you want to learn more about him, go to his blog, GINGER JASPER.


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Thank you so much for featuring me. what a lovely surprise.. Just one tiny thing though my friend.. I am a boy MOL.. Hugs GJ xx

Cindy said...

I thought he was a girl at first, too! He is gorgeous!

the teacher's pets said...

That box is definitely not a "one size fits all" for Ginger Jasper but he looks very comfortable in there fur sure!

Sweet Purrfections said...

GJ is definitely a mancat, but he is so handsome in that box.

Ingrid said...

Boxes are the best places for a little nap and the smaller the box the better it is !

Cat Mandu said...

How embarrassing!?! I called GJ a girl! (I've changed that!) I once called Huffle Mawson a boy. (What's wrong with me??)