BABY PANDA at San Diego Zoo

The baby is not so small any more. Click here to see him!
CLICK ON "X" (arrows) to make really big!

NEWER BABY at the NATIONAL ZOO (Washington, D.C.) Click HERE.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

....from Sleepy Hollow

Ichabod, and the Headless Cat

Just joking!


Admiral Hestorb said...

My scared us! ♡

Nadbugs said...

And no blood. How does he do it.

The Florida Furkids said...

EEEK....oh's okay!!

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You had us fooled there for a moment, Mandu!

Fabulous toehawks, by the way!

The Chans

Katnip Lounge said...

We saw the whiskers, and we were hoping...

Happy Mommy Day from the crew at the Katnip Lounge!

We love LUNA said...

Oh looks great there, you have a cool cat tree!
I love your pictures, just relax my dear friend!
Lots of love to you and your adorable mommy!

Mr Puddy said...

COD ! you freak me out !
Don't scare your mom today, O.K. ?

I hope you and your mommy have a wonderful together.
Happy Mommy's Day
Special Kiss and Hug from me

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandu..Marley here. You are so funny..hiding your head that way. You are a goof ball like me. Im glad to see you didn't lose your head.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the purrs for my dear friends J.B. and Carmine

I really love those two guys. They are like family.

Hey Mandu..your buddy Marley

Unknown said...

The headless cat! LOL! Cute! :-)

Teddy Westlife said...

I'm glad your head came back! It's hard to eat ham without one.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! you should go to the circus, if you can take off your head !

caspersmom said...

Boy, it sure does look like you didn't have a head. So glad to see the next picture where your head is back on. Hee hee. Sure hope your Mom had a great Mom's Day.

Casper and Cleo

RoySr said...

Eeek! That IS a spooky one picture. We don't wanna have any of that scary stuff now.

We just like you like you are. Complete, head and all.

Just sayin .....

Anonymous said...

Oooh we got skerred!